5 Things you should stop doing in life for your self-respect
Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop feeling jealous of other people. The fact that you see others as better than you is only in your mind.
Stop putting your needs aside and prioritizing other people's needs. You're just as important as anyone else.
Stop blaming yourself for your failure. Everyone fails and whoever doesn't fail will parhaps never see success.
Stop spending time with people you don't want to. Your instinct is probably warning you about the dangers of being with people who aren't worth it.
Stop wasting your own time and other people’s time. Time is money and you know it. The less time you waste, the richer you get. The less of other people’s time you waste, the more other people respect you.
Suggested Reading
If You Were Born Before 1969, These 10 Things In Modern Life Probably Make You Feel Old
Ignoring the Signs: The Consequences of Refusing a Medical Diagnosis
Managing Emotional Overload as an INFJ: Tips for Being an Emotional Sponge
Narcissistic personality disorder: Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment
Navigating the Challenges of Parenting: 5 Common Issues and Solutions
One Tough Conversation: Telling Your Foster Son His Younger Half-Sister Will Be Adopted But Not Him
Recovering from a narcissistic relationship: A step-by-step guide
Resilience Through History: Finding Hope in Challenging Time - New!